It’s blog carnival time. This time around, almost no-one could count up to five. When I said funny top five lists in the blog description, people chose to interpret either one, two or all three of these as voluntary; so we have some lists, and some lists of five, and some of them are funny.
Shamefully, only one managed all three; a list of five that is intended to be funny. I’ve put that one at the top of the list. Well done.
Some managed zero out of three; I was sent some posts on “sheet metal specification” and “default G codes for user application”. These all failed to make the grade for being neither a list, a list of five, or funny, or even interesting. If I wasn’t so spiritually generous I would almost think they hadn’t read the carnival submission notes.
Chris presents Top 5 Reasons Why Pro MMA Fighters are Like Prostitutes posted at Martial Development.
nissim ziv presents Career: Quotes about Careers Goals & Inspirational Career Quotes posted at Job Interview Guide
JL 4 Media presents 5 Effective Listening Barriers posted at Live Life to the Fullest, saying, "Effective listening is not about the words having delivered, it requires more than hearing the sounds transmitted. We should listen for meaning and we can do this by focusing on the people and not only on words."
Chris Dolley presents Fashion: The Spring Lamb Catalogue posted at BOOK VIEW CAFE BLOG.
swagat presents Did u really mean that buddy??? posted at Its all in here
Gracie Turner presents 100 Little Ways You Can Dramatically Improve Your Writing posted at Online Colleges.net.
swagat presents Wittiest One Liners.... posted at Its all in here, saying, "Wittiest one liners"
Joshua Seth presents The 3 Es Of Professional Speaking posted at Joshua Seth Blog.
That concludes this edition. Submit your blog article to the next edition of the top five carnival using our carnival submission form. Past posts and future hosts can be found on our blog carnival index page.
Technorati tags: the top five carnival, blog carnival.
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